Chuckyegg Easter Bouquet


Our vibrant Chuckyegg bouquet is full of warmth and sunshine, featuring stunning golden peach garden roses, antique blush spray roses, caramel toned berries and carnations, bronze santini, deep berry pink alstromiera, soft grasses and scented rosemary and eucalyptus, arranged with care into a beautiful bouquet, beautifully wrapped by hand and boxed with water. We deliver free of charge in the Saffron Walden area either to you or direct to your recipient. Please add any gift card message in the Preferences section when you order.

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This is a bespoke made to order product using the finest seasonal ingredients chosen by Waterbaby Flowers. Flowers may differ slightly from those described depending on availability. If no-one is home when we deliver we will try again at a similar time the following day. In the unlikely event of two failed deliveries please collect from our studio.

Local delivery within 5 miles of Saffron Walden is included. If you live outside of our delivery area we can arrange delivery at extra cost or you are welcome to collect from our studio in Ickleton